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What to Do If You Lose Your Only Set of Car Keys

Written by Team Suzuki | 29/06/2022 1:01:31 AM

It happens to us all; you put your keys down in a ‘safe place’ and then you can't find them anywhere. The stress of locating or replacing them can really test your patience, especially when you know you never quite got round to getting a spare set made.

Losing your only set of car keys is downright frustrating and becomes a massive inconvenience the longer it takes to track them down.

Here are a few things you can do to get back on the road as quickly as possible and how having keyless entry can help.

Keep Calm and Search On

The car is locked and you're at a complete loss as to how to gain access to the vehicle. Don't panic. Take a deep breath and remain calm. You may feel like tearing your hair out (especially if it's raining or cold outside), but taking a moment to assess the situation can help.

Before you do anything else, double-check the immediate surroundings for your keys. Maybe you dropped them on the sidewalk or they slipped out of your pocket onto the ground next to the car? Retrace your steps, checking that you haven't accidentally left them inside the other compartment of your bag or on the very odd occasion inside the vehicle.

If you don’t have a spare and can't find your keys anywhere around you or your vehicle, simply call the nearest car dealer that specialises in the make of your car. Most car keys have transponders in them that are specifically linked to your vehicle and car dealerships have the diagnostic equipment to program the new car key.

If you have locked them inside the car, and you don’t have roadside assistance, call the AA or a local locksmith. You will need to pay for their services, but they will be able to get you back on the road again in no time.

Requesting a New Car Key From Your Dealership

Most cars on the road today have an engine immobiliser, which is handy as it prevents your car from being stolen, but not so helpful when you lose your only key. Inside your key is a transponder chip that stores the electronic security code (or the car’s password). The car won’t start if the code in the key and immobiliser don’t match. This means a locksmith can’t make a new key for your car and why you need to get the new key made at the dealership.

When you contact your local dealership, you will need identification and proof of ownership (like the vehicle registration) to have a replacement cut and the code-activated.

You will also need the year, make and model of your car, as well as the vehicle identification number (VIN). You can find this information by looking at your car’s VIN plate under the bonnet of your vehicle. In some vehicles it may also be etched on the front or rear window. Otherwise you can go to and enter your registration number. This site will give you information on your vehicle including the vehicle identification number (VIN).

Once you have your new key, don't stop there—get a spare! Having an extra set of keys for your car will mean you never have to face this level of panic again.

If you have a much older car with a traditional car key without a transponder, you can take it to a locksmith for key cutting.

What to Do If Your Car Key Battery Is Dead

Instead of losing your car key, you have discovered that it is no longer working. The most likely scenario is that the battery is flat. Here are some steps you can take if this happens to you.

First, give it another try by holding your car key fob closer to the door lock. This will give it a stronger signal and will hopefully unlock the door.

If that doesn't work, you’ll need to replace the batteries inside your key fob straight away. This is as simple as removing the back of your key fob and buying new batteries that match from the supermarket or petrol station.

To change the battery, use a paperclip to push a small button inside the fob and remove the internal battery holder. Remove the old batteries and put in two new batteries and replace the back cover. Be sure to check your car repair manual or look online for your car model for detailed instructions.

Additionally, you can check for a hidden key - a lot of car fobs have a hidden key that can be removed by pressing a small button on the key fob with something that fits. Again, you can check your car repair manual or look online for your car model.

If your key fob doesn’t work even after you have replaced the batteries, then the next step is to contact the dealership (even if you did not buy the car there). They will check the key fob and let you know whether it needs to be replaced or not, and what the costs might be.

If you have a keyless start vehicle you may still be able to start the vehicle if the fob battery is flat. Try holding the key fob immediately next to the start button when you start the vehicle. This system works on the latest Suzuki keyless start vehicles which is a handy option to know.

Why Having Keyless Entry Helps

With advancements in technology comes the rise of new car features that make life on the road much simpler. One of these is keyless entry, where you can unlock and lock your doors from a distance and start your car with the push of a button. This means that your key doesn't have to leave your bag or pocket and you don’t have to worry as it will always be in the same safe place.

This feature used to be available only in more expensive luxury vehicles, but the good news is you can get keyless entry in more affordable new car options like the Vitara SUV or the Suzuki Swift RS.

In a nutshell, if you have found yourself in a situation where you have lost your only set of car keys, stay calm. Contact your local dealership who will be able to tell you what your options are and before you know it you’ll be back on the road again.

If you are considering buying a new vehicle with keyless entry and two sets of car keys, take a look at our Ultimate Car Buying Guide.