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Tom and Paul Davies and their 'Skinny Jims'


In 2021, a guy and his Dad both bought Jimnys, and three years on their love of the Jimny lifestyle has grown so much that they have even started their own business ' Skinny Jim'.  They have a huge passion for Jimny and are always keen to chat about your Jimny, their Jimny, Jimny ideas and Jimny adventures. You get it, they're obsessed! Read on to see why Jimny is a cut above the rest in their books. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

A guy and his Dad who both bought Suzuki Jimnys in 2021. We’re both based in Auckland. I live out west at Bethells Beach, and Paul’s on a lifestyle block near Long Bay.

I’ve spent the last 10 years working as an advertising creative. Paul’s tinkered around with all sorts of things – from concrete construction to car parts.

Why did you choose Suzuki over other brands?

It’s got to start with the Suzuki JR80 dirt bike I had, age 9. Great memories thrashing around Woodhill Forest on that little thing. Dad was there to pick up the pieces. I needed a full time mechanic.

I guess the Jimny is my grown-up dirt bike now.

What do you love about your Suzuki?

Capable, fun, simple. That’s a recipe for good times.

How would you describe your Suzuki to a friend?

“Come out on the trails one day, and you’ll see why we like driving one!”

Why was your Suzuki Jimny the right fit?

It was the only car I felt was perfect for getting between meetings in the city, and blasting up Muriwai beach.

Paul’s main motivation was camping – getting to some of New Zealand’s remote camping spots that a bigger wagon couldn’t.

How has owning your Suzuki Jimny made a difference in your life?

The car is great fun – but the community around it is what makes it. There aren’t many journeys where we don’t get a wave from a fellow Jimny owner. The Suzuki meet-ups we’ve been to have been epic too.

Describe the experience you had buying your car?

We were both sold on the test drive. Then it was an exciting wait for the Jimnys to land at the dealer. Mine arrived a week earlier, which was ideal!

Have you got a nickname for your Suzuki?

Skinny Jim. That’s also the name of our business we’ve started – making lightweight Jimny hardware and accessories. A couple of years into Jimny ownership, we decided to get more involved.

What will you be doing/where will you be going when you next pick up your car keys?

Off for the weekly car wash. It appears I killed a lot of bugs on last weekend’s road trip.

What's some advice you would give to someone looking to buy a car?

Test drive it, feel it out. If you’re still unsure of anything – the Suzuki team are super helpful. If you’re considering a Jimny, there’s also a great community page on Facebook where Jimny owners will happily answer any questions.


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